This website is still under development.
To continue your visit, please use the desktop version or check my instagram , github, and don't hesitate to send me a e-mail

Milène Laforge

[FR] Initiative personnelle pour imager et organiser ma collection de sites web. Extrakühl est à la fois une source d'inspiration et un outil pour montrer à des clients potentiels la liberté offerte par les langages de programmation libres et/ou non basés sur des templates. Un système de filtres permet de cibler les sites par genres (théâtre, institutions culturelles, studio de graphisme, portfolio...) et par mots-clés techniques ou visuels (horizontal scroll, hover, lines...).

[EN] Personal initiative to image and organise my collection of websites. Extrakühl is both a source of inspiration and a tool to show potential clients the freedom offered by free and/or non-template based programming languages. A filter system allows to target sites by genres (theatre, cultural institutions, graphic design studio, portfolio...) and by technical or visual keywords (horizontal scroll, hover, lines…).



Extrakhül Websites- 2022

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